An installation of four large sculptures and a poster, trying to keep their feet from getting wet.
Circumstances (installation)
Installation — Dimenstions: various / Materials: mixed media / Year: 2006
After half an hour of strictly following the map and maintaining a steady pace, the path stops. The map definitely shows a dotted line. Only when scanning the area thoroughly, a faint trace in a field of nettles and scattered bushes of brambles can be deciphered as an overgrown path.
On most hiking maps the scenery, consisting of vast grasslands and cornfields, impenetrable forests, marshy moorlands and bare mountainsides, is represented by blank or multicolored open spaces interlaced with various lines denoting roads, waterways and paths.
The map of an exhibition is often designed the other way around. Here the lines delineate the major elements of the scenery — the sculptures, paintings, installations and walls, instead of the paths that run between them. What remains is a path of blank space to walk from one work to another, or to stop at a point of interest.
The ceiling is cracked, the building where the exhibition takes place poorly maintained. On rainy days the blank spaces on the map reveal themselves in an unexpected way. The imagined path turns out to be a course of large puddles. On the floor, artworks are arranged at a safe distance from the affected areas. At the edge of the scene, hanging in the middle of the left wall, a poster tries to close the gap between what is and what could have been.