Archiving all the way down is a paper translation of
A table with small objects. The objects are used to make a series of compositions.
Small woolen reliefs presented in cabinets, and three-dimensional figurative carpets made from colored sisal rope.
Flyer and video about a temporary studio I created in the Botanical Garden of the University of Ghent.
Thinktwig is an instrument. Like many sophisticated tools and musical instruments it's made of durable metal.

A sequence of photographs of a small set of objects, four hands, one gaze and a fly.
Artist book with old family pictures relating to new pictures of sculptures, both taken at the same location.
An installation of four large sculptures and a poster, trying to keep their feet from getting wet.
A survey of works in studio and exhibitions settings punctuated with drawings and sketches, all made between 2004-2005.
Everything was placed in the right spot, then the works were removed. Now there is only a postcard.
A play and visual archive about the complexities of and the consequences of exposing one's work to others.
Reflection on a studio visit, attempting to explore the distance between visitor and host.
Installation based on two 'naked' characters relating to each other through the use of objects and their environment.
Six temporary wooden spaces: A bar, a lecture room, a stage , two exhibition spaces and a storage space.
Regardless of its size, material or finish, one can do two things with it: move it, or let it be.
A book with 23 black and white drawings of naked slightly deformed persons, posing in a photo/film studio.
Artist book with a (photo)graphical compendium of objects, gestures, body parts… which are processed in collages.
Installation of a big wooden fence, covered wit works, blocking the entrance of the exhibition space.
24 small sculptures in various materials resulting from the project Thinktwig.